You must sign up and pay in advance for these classes. If the class you wish to attend is full please contact us, as additional classes will be added in the coming weeks.
Title | Course Description |
Start Date![]() |
Start Time | Class Duration | Course Duration | Location | Standard | Price | Course Capacity | Places Booked | Course Availability |
19th September - 6:30 | 19th September - 6:30 | Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
1.00 Hours | 6 Weeks | Bracken Court | Beginner | 72,00 € | 10 | 10 | Course Unavailable |
19th September - 7:30 | 19th September - 7:30 | Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
1.00 Hours | 6 Weeks | Bracken Court | Beginner | 72,00 € | 10 | 10 | Course Unavailable |
19th September - 5:30 | 19th September - 5:30 | Tuesday, September 19, 2017 |
1.00 Hours | 6 Weeks | Bracken Court | Beginner | 72,00 € | 10 | 10 | Course Unavailable |